Thursday, December 2, 2021

Optima Community School Support

We would like to share Thank You Letter received from Optima Community School for the Disabled and Vulnerable. Using funds raised during DISA Zambia Musical Sundowner, our organization was able to sponsor educational materials, crutches and a wheelchair.

Optima School pupils and teachers are very grateful for the ongoing support.

We are thankful to all our guests for attending this fundraising event. Your contribution is much appreciated.


Thank You Letter

Thursday, November 11, 2021

DISA Musical Sundowner 06 November, 2021

Our 4th Musical Sundowner was held in the beautiful pool area of Southern Sun Ridgeway Hotel on November 06, 2021. We had a great turnout, and everyone enjoyed the evening.

We would like to say a huge Thank You to all our guests for joining us.

Our special Thank You goes to Southern Sun Ridgeway Hotel for the hospitality and the prizes for our raffle draw. We sincerely appreciate their ongoing support.

We are truly thankful to Micah & David for creating the enjoyable atmosphere of the evening. You both put so much effort into making the event the success it was.

Thank you Canary Andrew Songwe for taking these lovely photos.

The funds raised during this event will be used to support Optima Community School for the disabled and vulnerable children.

Chairlady Dot during her speech

Raffle draw
Raffle draw winner
Raffle draw winner
Raffle draw winner


Friday, October 1, 2021

Feedback from Mutendere Chicken Cooperative and Optima Community School

We would like to share the feedback received from Mutendere Chicken Cooperative and Optima School. Mutendere Chicken Cooperative is one of the projects supported by DISA Zambia. The group of single mothers of children with disabilities raise and sell chickens in order to sustain their families and send their children to school. Using funds raised during Charity Golf Tournament, our organization was able to assist the ladies in expanding the cooperative by sponsoring the purchase of 500 chicks, feed, etc. It also led to creating employment opportunities. DISA Zambia is very proud of the ladies from Mutendere and their achievements.

Optima Community School for the Disabled and Vulnerable (O.V.C.) was initiated with the aim of helping the most vulnerable children. During rainy seasons the children were facing difficulties to enter the school. Apart from sponsoring several mobility devices for Optima children, DISA Zambia helped to improve the school ground. As seeing from the photo there is an easy access to the school now. This project was also supported using funds raised during Charity Golf Tournament.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

DISA Zambia General Meeting 28 September, 2021

DISA Zambia 1st General Meeting of 2021 took place on September 28th at Southern Sun Ridgeway Hotel. Our members had a chance to catch up after a long break. DISA Zambia Chairlady Dot Mead welcomed Rumman Khan as Projects Committee Chairlady and Ilse Lasschuijt as a member of Executive Committee. 

As a guest speaker we were proud to introduce Marcel van Driel, National Coordinator at Helping Hands in Snake Safety (HHISS). HHISS was founded as an initiative to save snakes and reduce snake bites in Zambia. Their primary mission is to reduce the risk of snakebite incidence, improve the country's snakebite management and reduce the number of snakes being killed. Thank you Marcel for this informative presentation. 

To find out more about HHISS, please visit their website and Facebook page

 Thank you Southern Sun Ridgeway Hotel for hosting us. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

DISA Zambia Musical Sundowner 06 November, 2021

DISA Zambia 4th Annual Musical Sundowner is coming up on November,6, 2021, Saturday from 5 to 9 pm, in the pool area of Southern Sun Ridgeway Hotel.
The Musical Sundowner, organized for the first time in 2017, has become a tradition for our organization, and it is now the annual fundraising event of DISA. All funds raised are always used to support our charity projects. 
This year the funds raised during the event will be used to support Optima School for the disabled and vulnerable children. 
You can contribute to the success of the event: 
 • by buying tickets for yourself, your family and friends. Ticket price is K350. Please note that canapés are included. We will also have a raffle, so keep your ticket number handy. 
• by attending the event, enjoying the good company, the amazing music played by our special guests Micah & David and the lovely atmosphere at the pool area of Southern Sun Ridgeway Hotel. 
All COVID protocols will be observed. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Assistive Devices made by APTERS

DISA Zambia Executive Committee would like to share the report received from Kenneth Habaalu from APTERS, one of the projects supported by DISA:

“Out of the materials we bought we managed to support 65 children who needed the assistive devices. Our main target group was the children in villages. We made 40 special chairs, 20 standing frames, 5 walking frames. Parents were so happy. APTERS is grateful for this ongoing support.”

This project was supported using funds raised during Charity Golf Tournament.


assistive devices

Thursday, September 2, 2021

New Desks for Chiwawatala School

DISA Zambia Executive Committee would like to share the report which was received from Project Luangwa (
"We're incredibly thankful to the Diplomatic and International Spouses Association for supporting Chiwawatala School with new desks. As the school population grows, this was a major achievement in allowing children to have their own work space, and keeping them safer during the pandemic."

This project was supported using funds raised during Charity Golf Tournament. Executive Committee would like to share few photos along with Thank You Letter from the Headteacher, Graph Evans, who was incredibly thankful for the support.

new desks

new desks

Thank You Letter

Monday, May 17, 2021

DISA Zambia Charity Golf Tournament Fundraiser 06 May, 2021

DISA Zambia Charity Golf Tournament was held on 6th May 2021 at the Lusaka Golf Club. This successful event gave DISA Zambia the opportunity to raise funds which will be used to support our charity projects aiming to improve the lives of vulnerable members of the society. 

Dot Mead, DISA Zambia Chairlady

Our Sincere Gratitude goes to our sponsors for their generosity:
Liberty Life Insurance Ltd – main sponsorship
Kobus Bezuidenhout
First Capital Bank Ltd
Nemerit Ltd
Evergreen Sports Betting Ltd
Paratus Telecommunications Ltd
The Embassy of Ireland
Cresta Golfview Hotel
Switch AC DC Ltd
Billy Gillette
Albert Van Wyk
Nomads Zambia
Paveline Construction Ltd.
Genesis Group
GFox Ltd
Betternow Finance
Shiraz Limbada
Infinity Group
Thank You DISA Zambia Executive Committee for your hard work and dedication.

Executive Committee 

Our Sincere Gratitude for the auction prizes goes to our sponsors:
Ethiopian Airlines – distinguished sponsorship
Proflight Zambia
Mvuu Lodge
Mukambi Safari Lodge
Jewel of Africa
A Huge Thank You goes to Ian Ratnam for hosting the auction which helped DISA Zambia to raise funds for supporting our charity projects.
Our Special Thank You goes to Trade Kings Limited for the beverage sponsorship during the event. Our Sincere Gratitude goes to the prize giving sponsors:
Holiday Inn
Radisson Blu
Southern Sun Ridgeway
PEP Stores Zambia
Palm View Nursery
With your contributions we can make the difference in the lives of many Zambian women and children. To view the photos from the event, please check our Facebook page:

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Stationery for Kad'Miel Academy

DISA Zambia would like to share few photos we received from Kad'Miel Academy, one of our projects. The school received stationery sponsored by our organization. 

Kad'Miel Academy pupils and teachers are very grateful to all DISA members for this donation and their ongoing support.

Monday, April 12, 2021

DISA Zambia Charity Golf Tournament 06 May, 2021

We are thrilled to announce that DISA Zambia will host a Charity Golf Tournament on Thursday 6th May 2021 at the Lusaka Golf Club. All COVID protocols will be observed on the day. 

All the funds raised during the event will be used to support our Charity projects which aim to improve the lives of vulnerable members of the society.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Kad'Miel Academy Updates February, 2021

DISA Zambia Executive Committee representatives visited Kad'Miel Academy to overview the condition of the school and to hand over the laptop. 

Debbie Marsh, our Secretary, decided to donate her private secondhand laptop to this school. 

School Headmaster Henry with Debbie

Two months ago DISA Zambia sponsored additional computer using the combined funds (DISA's funds and the funds from the Penrith Quaker Meeting, UK). In June 2020 DISA Zambia financed the first computer for the school. Using these computers to enhance classroom learning is beneficial.

Two computers is use

Laptop in use

In order to accommodate more students Kad'Miel Academy is expanding: two additional classrooms and another school are in the process of building.

New school in the process of building

DISA Zambia is very proud of Kad'Miel Academy, their goals and achievements.