Monday, January 18, 2021

Welcome to Optima Community School

DISA Zambia Projects Committee would like to introduce all the members to Optima Community School.

Optima Community School for the Disabled and Vulnerable (O.V.C.) was initiated with the aim of helping the most vulnerable children. 

DISA Zambia sponsored 11 mobility chairs which were manufactured by APTERS, one of the projects supported by DISA. DISA members along with APTERS co-founder visited the school and successfully delivered the chairs. 

DISA members with Optima headmistress and APTERS co-founder

Optima School headmistress and teachers are very thankful to DISA Zambia for this support.

Mobility chairs

DISA Zambia representatives had the opportunity to assess the school and its premises. Children from different age groups attend the classes according to their individual abilities.

Class in progress

Unfortunately, several pupils do not have stationery. Due to the rain, some school items were hung outside to dry on the washing line. In general, the school is clean and efficient.

School premises

Rainy days problems

School premises during rainy season