We would like to share the feedback received from Mutendere Chicken Cooperative and Optima School. Mutendere Chicken Cooperative is one of the projects supported by DISA Zambia. The group of single mothers of children with disabilities raise and sell chickens in order to sustain their families and send their children to school. Using funds raised during Charity Golf Tournament, our organization was able to assist the ladies in expanding the cooperative by sponsoring the purchase of 500 chicks, feed, etc. It also led to creating employment opportunities. DISA Zambia is very proud of the ladies from Mutendere and their achievements.
Optima Community School for the Disabled and Vulnerable (O.V.C.) was initiated with the aim of helping the most vulnerable children. During rainy seasons the children were facing difficulties to enter the school. Apart from sponsoring several mobility devices for Optima children, DISA Zambia helped to improve the school ground. As seeing from the photo there is an easy access to the school now. This project was also supported using funds raised during Charity Golf Tournament.