Tuesday, May 31, 2022

DISA General Meeting and Coffee Morning 31 May, 2022

DISA Zambia General Meeting was held in the serene environment of 37d Gallery. It was a meeting with a difference as it was combined with our traditional Coffee Morning.

Serene environment

The gallery

The gallery

Delicious cakes

As a guest speaker of the month we were proud to introduce Ms. Samantha Brown, the Coordinator of stART Foundation. Through 37d Gallery, stART provides a dynamic and sustainable showcase for emerging and established artists to exhibit and sell selected artworks to an ever-growing local and international market. Income generated from gallery commissions along with donations fund the children outreach programme in Mfuwe. For more information, please visit:  www.thestartfoundationtrust.org

Samantha Brown during her speech

Dot Mead, DISA Chairlady, briefed the members about the outcome of our annual Charity Golf Tournament which turned out to be another success. 

Dot Mead during her speech

DISA Zambia welcomed two new members (Sophie and Mary) to our community. Thank you 37d Gallery for hosting us this morning.

DISA members


Thursday, May 12, 2022

DISA Zambia Charity Golf Tournament Fundraiser 05 May, 2022

DISA Zambia 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament was held on 5th May 2022 at the Lusaka Golf Club. This successful event gave DISA Zambia the opportunity to raise funds which will be used to support our charity projects aiming to improve the lives of vulnerable members of the society. Our Sincere Gratitude goes to our sponsors for their generosity:
Liberty Life Insurance Ltd – main sponsorship for two years
Nemerit Ltd.
Evergreen Sports Betting Ltd
The Embassy of Ireland
Presecure Security
Deli Spices Zambia
Mart Solutions
Cresta Golfview Hotel
Switch AC DC Ltd
Square Cash Financial Servces
Paveline Construction Ltd.
KPMG Zambia Ltd.
Arc Save Travel & Tours Ltd.
Iway Africa Zambia Ltd.
Thank You DISA Zambia Executive Committee (Dot Mead, Kala Iyengar, Mila van Niekerk, Joan Cochrane, Noemi Fülöp, Chau Nguyen, Chana Soko, Karen Edwards, Rumman Khan) and DISA members (Shelly Scott, Bev Watson, Lindy Richards, Maria Murray) for your hard work and dedication.

DISA team
DISA team
DISA team
Ready for registration
Ready for registration
Registration in progress
Registration in progress
Rumman in action

Delicious cupcakes for all the players
Liberty Life team

Mart Solutions team

Deli Spices team


Zambia Airways team
Evergreen Sports Betting team
Square Cash Financial Services team

KPMG team

Mart Solutions stall
Presecure stall

Chau in action

Ian Ratnam

Way Africa stall
Deli Spices stall

DISA Zambia is very grateful to the Lusaka Golf Club for the opportunity to host our Charity Golf Tournament which was held on 5th May 2022.
Our Sincere Gratitude for the auction prizes goes to our sponsors:
Ethiopian Airlines – distinguished sponsorship for two years
Zambia Airways
Mvuu Lodge
Lotri Bay Lodge
Mutinondo Wilderness
A Huge Thank You goes to Ian Ratnam for hosting the auction which helped DISA Zambia to raise funds for supporting our charity projects.
Our Special Thank You goes to Trade Kings Limited for the beverage sponsorship during the event.
Our Sincere Gratitude goes to the prize giving sponsors:
Radisson Blu
Southern Sun Ridgeway
Lazy J Sanctuary
Mart Solutions
D&V Garden Accessories
Lusaka Collective
Darren Young
Our Sincere Gratitude goes to our cash donors:
Noemi and Viktor Fülöp
Pam Barker
Shiraz Limbada
Thank You Maggie Antonopoulou for sponsoring the bananas for our players. Thank You Karen Edwards for the delicious cupcakes.
With your contributions we can make the difference in the lives of many Zambian women and children.

Ready for prize giving

Set up for prize giving and auction ceremony
Mark Gobiérnales from Liberty Life
Dot Mead, DISA Zambia Chairlady
Ethiopian Airlines ticket handover

Zambia Airways ticket handover