DISA Zambia General Meeting was held on September 27, 2022 at Southern Sun Ridgeway Hotel. Thank you Southern Sun for your ongoing support and hospitality.
As a guest speaker of the month we were proud to introduce Chitalu Chishimba from Vision of Hope, one of our newest projects.
Vision of Hope Zambia was founded in 2009 and is a child care facility registered and recognized by the government of the republic of Zambia. It is situated in Chamba Valley and works to support young women and girls who, for various reasons, don't have access to safe family care and support. Thank you Chitalu for your insightful speech.
Dot Mead, DISA Chairlady, informed DISA members about the projects which received financial support using funds raised during the annual Charity Golf Tournament. Dot also welcomed new members to our community.
If you are interested in joining DISA Zambia, please send an email to: disazambia1@gmail.com
We look forward to hearing from you!