Wednesday, February 1, 2023

January 31st 2023 General Meeting Southern Sun Hotel

 Our first General Meeting of 2023 was held on Tuesday 31st January. We are grateful to Southern Sun for hosting us once again at the Poolside which is such a beautiful venue. We were thrilled to have new members join us and of course our stalwart members who always support DISA.  

We were delighted to welcome as our guest speaker Professor John Jellis. Professor Jellis is a retired Orthopaedic Surgeon who founded FlySpec 40 years ago. He gave us an informative presentation on how FlySpec came about and what it entails. FlySpec brings skilled Orthopaedic and Plastic surgeons to individuals who live in the country's most remote rural areas. The difference these specialists bring to the individual's life is miraculous! We applaud all the work the medical team and pilots do to transform the lives of so many people - the majority of which are children. Thank you Professor Jellis! 

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