Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Coffee Morning dedicated to Jaana 21 January, 2020

DISA Coffee Mornings became very traditional with their informal atmosphere. Today's event hosted by the chairlady Ines was dedicated to Jaana, our current secretary, who will be leaving Zambia next week.
Our ladies are enjoying the morning

Dear Jaana,
We wish you only the best in your future endeavours. Your contributions towards our shared success will stay in our hearts forever. Your dedicated support and creative mind made sure of this.
We hope that our symbolic gift will always remind you not only about DISA Zambia but also about the cooking classes you had organized to raise funds for the charity projects.
Thank you for everything, dear friend!

Jaana with the gift

Ines (Chairlady), Jaana (Secretary) and Mila (Treasurer)
Our ladies are enjoying the atmosphere 

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